Literature as art : a reader

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  • Literature as art : a reader

Literature as art : a reader

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xx, 743 pages : 26 cm;I. Classicism -- from The Iliad / Homer -- from The Odyssey / Homer -- On losing his shield / Archilochus -- Ode to Aphrodite / Sappho -- Hesperus, the bringer / Sappho -- Mother, I cannot mind my wheel / Sappho -- The wounded Cupid / Anacreon -- First Olympian ode / Pindar -- A twofold truth / Empedocles -- Heraclitus / Callimachus -- Crethis / Callimachus -- from Agamemnon / Aeschylus -- Antigone / Sophocles -- from Medea / Eripides -- The death of Socrates from Phaedo / Plato -- The nature of tradegy from On tragedy / Aristotle -- Theocritus / The Incantation -- from Of the nature of things / Lucretius -- from Aeneid / Virgil -- On lesbia / Catullus -- Love is best / Catullus -- After a quarrel / Catullus -- At the grave of his brother / Catullus -- To postumus / Horace -- Orpheus and Eurydice / Ovid -- The Tuscan villa / Pliny the Younger -- from The villas of Pliny the Younger / Pliny the Younger -- from The meditations / Marcus Aurelius -- II. Christianity and the Middle Ages -- The creation / Bible -- The Messiah / Bible -- Psalms / Bible -- The annunciation / Bible -- The birth of Christ / Bible -- The last supper / Bible -- from Confessions / Saint Augustine -- from Beowulf / Anonymous -- from The song of Roland / Anonymous -- Te Deum / Anonymous -- from Little flowers / Saint Francis of Assisi -- Dies Irae / Thomas of Celano -- five cantos from The inferno / Dante Alighieri -- from the Divine comedy / Dante Alighieri -- from Sir Gawain and the green knight / Anonymous -- The Prioress/s tale from The Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer -- St. Mark's from The stones of Venice / John Ruskin -- The Virgin of Chartres / Henry Adams -- from Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres / Henry Adams -- III. Renaissance -- from An hymn in honour of beauty / Edmund Spenser -- The powers and pleasures of folly / Desiderius Erasmus -- from The praise of folly / Desiderius Erasmus -- The plague of 1348 / Giovanni Boccaccio -- The falcon of Federigo / Giovanni Boccaccio -- Chichibio and the crane / Giovanni Boccaccio -- The patient Griselda / Giovanni Boccaccio -- from the Decameron / Giovanni Boccaccio -- If it be destined / Petrarch -- When I reflect / Petrarch -- In gratitude to love / Petrarch -- Her golden hair / Petrarch -- On hearing of Laura's death / Petrarch -- He sees her everywhere / Petrarch -- Final sonnet / Petrarch -- In what way faith should be kept by princes / Niccolo Machiavelli -- Fortune is a woman / Niccolo Machiavelli -- from The prince / Niccolo Machiavelli -- The casting of the Perseus / Benvenuto Cellini -- Description of the contrarious passions in a lover / Sir Thomas Wyatt -- Complaint of a lover rebuked / Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey -- To Marie / Pierre de Ronsard -- Sonnet 15 (Ye tradeful merchants) / Edmund Spenser -- With how sad steps / Sir Philip Sidney -- Leave me, o love / Sir Philip Sidney -- Since there's no help / Michael Drayton -- Sonnet 8 (music to hear) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 18 (shall I compare thee) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 30 (when to the sessions) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 55 (not marble nor the gilded monument) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 73 (that time of year) / William Shakespeare -- Who is Sylvia? / William Shakespeare -- The silver swan / Orlando Gibbons -- La Gioconda / Walter Pater -- from The Renaissance / Walter Pater -- Monna Lisa Gioconda / Dmitri Merezhkovsky -- from The romance of Leonarda da Vinci / Dmitri Merezhkovsky -- The sculpturing of the David / Irving Stone -- from The agony and the ecstacy / Irving Stone -- IV. Mannerism to Neoclassicism -- from The flaming heart or the life of the glorious Saint Teresa / Saint Teresa of Avila -- from Don Quixote / Miguel de Cervantes -- The obscure night of the soul / Saint John of the Cross -- Meditation 17 / John Donne -- Song / John Donne -- Song / John Donne -- from Holy sonnets / John Donne -- A hymn to God the father / John Donne -- The altar / George Herbert -- Easter wings / George Herbert -- The dream called life / Calderón -- from Life is a dream / Calderón -- Lycidas / John Milton -- from Paradise lost / John Milton -- To his coy mistress / Andrew Marvell -- from The bourgeois gentleman / Moliére -- A song for St. Cecilia's Day / John Dryden -- Housewifery / Edward Taylor -- A voyage to Brobdingnag / Jonathan Swift -- from Gulliver's travels / Jonathan Swift -- from An essay on man / Alexander Pope -- from Candide / Voltaire -- To daffodils / Robert Herrick -- Corinna's going a-maying / Robert Herrick -- The syndics from Rembrandt / Gladys Schmitt -- V. Romanticism -- Continental -- Du bist wie eine blume / Heinrich Heine -- The two grenadiers / Heinrich Heine -- The djinns / Victor Hugo -- Art / Théophile Gautier -- Sois sage o ma douleur / Charles Baudelaire -- Correspondences / Charles Baudelaire -- from The confessions / Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- from Faust I / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- The Erl-King / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- from Eugene Onegin / Alexander Pushkin -- The singers / Ivan Turgenev -- English -- Introduction / William Blake -- The divine image / William Blake -- from Songs of innocence / William Blake -- A poison tree / William Blake -- London / William Blake -- from Songs of experience / William Blake -- Ye flowery banks / Robert Burns -- Afton Water / Robert Burns -- A red, red rose / Robert Burns -- Composed upon Westminster Bridge / William Wordsworth -- My heart leaps up when I behold / William Wordsworth -- I wandered lonely as a cloud / William Wordsworth -- It is a beauteous evening, calm and free / William Wordsworth -- Kubla Khan: or, A vision in a dream / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- The eolian harp / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Canto the fourth / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- from Don Juan / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- Stanzas for music / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- She walks in beauty / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- from Hebrew melodies / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- Ode to the west wind / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Mutability / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- La belle dame sans mercy / John Keats -- Ode to a nightingale / John Keats -- Ode on a Grecian urn / John Keats -- The last sonnet / John Keats -- Mariana / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Ulysses / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Sweet and low / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- The splendor falls on castle walls / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Tears, idle tears / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Now sleeps the crimson petal / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- songs from The princess / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- My last duchess / Robert Browning -- The bishop orders his tomb at Saint Praxed's Church / Robert Browning -- Fra Lippo Lippi / Robert Browning -- Meeting at night / Robert Browning -- The forsaken merman / Matthew Arnold -- Dover Beach / Matthew Arnold -- Silent noon / Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- A birthday / Christina Rossetti -- The garden of Proserpine / Algernon Charles Swinburne -- When the hounds of spring / Algernon Charles Swinburne -- from Atalanta in Claydon / Algernon Charles Swinburne -- The oxen / Thomas Hardy -- In time of "The breaking of nations" / Thomas Hardy -- The darkling thrush / Thomas Hardy -- God's grandeur / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- The windhover / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Pied beauty / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Spring and fall / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- To an Athlete dying young / A. E. Housman -- Loveliest of trees, the cherry now / A. E. Housman -- American -- The wild honeysuckle / Philip Freneau -- To a waterfowl / William Cullen Bryant -- The rhodora / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Days / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Hymn to the night / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- from Divina Commedia / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- translation of Michelangelo's Dante / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- To Helen / Edgar Allan Poe -- Ulalume / Edgar Allan Poe -- Israfel / Edgar Allan Poe -- When I heard the learn'd astronomer / Walt Whitman -- There was a child went forth / Walt Whitman -- To hear an oriole sing / Emily Dickinson -- There's a certain slant of light / Emily Dickinson -- There is no frigate like a book / Emily Dickinson -- Evening song / Sidney Lanier -- A ballad of trees and the master / Sidney Lanier -- The masque of the red death / Edgar Allan Poe -- The wedding knell / Nathaniel Hawthorne -- VI. Realism and impressionism -- The master builder / Henrik Ibsen -- Three deaths: a tale / Leo Tolstoy -- from The innocents abroad / Mark Twain -- Afternoon of a faun / Stéphane Mallarmé -- Song of autumn / Paul Verlaine -- Thou hast wounded me, Lord -- Paul Verlaine -- Preface to The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde -- Shaw on music / George Bernard Shaw -- from Androcles and the lion / George Bernard Shaw -- In the cart / Anton Pavlovich Chekhov -- from Pelléas and Mélisande / Maurice Maeterlinck --;VII. Twentieth century -- The lake isle of Innisfree / William Butler Yeats -- The wild swans of Coole / William Butler Yeats -- When you are old / William Butler Yeats -- Luke Havergal / Edwin Arlington Robinson -- The graveyard by the sea / Paul Valéry -- Acquainted with the night / Robert Frost -- Tree at my window / Robert Frost -- The onset / Robert Frost -- The tuft of flowers / Robert Frost -- Autumn day / Rainer Maria Rilke -- Autumn / Rainer Maria Rilke -- The panther / Rainer Maria Rilke -- Little Lizzy / Thomas Mann -- Paul's case / Willa Cather -- Within and without / Hermann Hesse -- On growing old / John Masefield -- Fog / Carl Sandburg -- Nocturne in a deserted brickyard / Carl Sandburg -- Jazz fantasia / Carl Sandburg -- Wind song / Carl Sandburg -- Peter Quince at the clavier / Wallace Stevens -- The road from Colonus / E. M. Forster -- from Platero and I / Juan Ramón Jiménez -- Clay / James Joyce -- from Dubliners / James Joyce -- from The odyssey: a modern sequel / Nikos Kazantzakis -- Piano / D. H Lawrence -- Dawn / William Carlos Williams -- Velvet shoes / Elinor Wylie -- Castilian / Elinor Wylie -- The river-merchant's wife: a letter / Ezra Pound -- A virginal / Ezra Pound -- Hurt hawks / Robinson Jeffers -- Love the wild swan / Robinson Jeffers -- Poetry / Marianne Moore -- Jouney of the magi / T. S. Eliot -- Sweeney among the nightingales / T. S. Eliot -- Morning song of senlin / T. S. Eliot -- At a concert of music / Conrad Aiken -- Euclid alone has looked on beauty bare / Edna St. Vincent Millay -- On hearing a symphony of Beethoven / Edna St. Vincent Millay -- You, Andrew Marvell / Archibald MacLeish -- A hunger artist / Franz Kafka -- Ah, the distant land / Gottfried Benn -- This is the garden / E. E. Cummings -- Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejias / Federico García Lorca -- A clean, well-lighted place / Ernest Hemingway -- Homesick blues / Langston Hughes -- Saturday night / Langston Hughes -- Musée des Beaux Arts / W. H. Auden -- Elegy for Jane / Theodore Roethke -- I knew a woman / Theodore Roethke -- I think continually of those / Stephen Spender -- Do not go gentle into that good night / Dylan Thomas -- In my craft or sullen art / Dylan Thomas -- Fern hill / Dylan Thomas -- from The plague / Albert Camus -- Hunters in the snow: Brueghel / Joseph Langland -- Falling asleep over the Aeneid / Robert Lowell -- Constantly risking absurdity / Lawrence Ferlinghetti -- from A Coney Island of the mind / Lawrence Ferlinghetti -- Babii yar / Yuvgeny Yevtushenko -- Parabolic ballad / Andrey Voznesensky -- Index
I. Classicism -- from The Iliad / Homer -- from The Odyssey / Homer -- On losing his shield / Archilochus -- Ode to Aphrodite / Sappho -- Hesperus, the bringer / Sappho -- Mother, I cannot mind my wheel / Sappho -- The wounded Cupid / Anacreon -- First Olympian ode / Pindar -- A twofold truth / Empedocles -- Heraclitus / Callimachus -- Crethis / Callimachus -- from Agamemnon / Aeschylus -- Antigone / Sophocles -- from Medea / Eripides -- The death of Socrates from Phaedo / Plato -- The nature of tradegy from On tragedy / Aristotle -- Theocritus / The Incantation -- from Of the nature of things / Lucretius -- from Aeneid / Virgil -- On lesbia / Catullus -- Love is best / Catullus -- After a quarrel / Catullus -- At the grave of his brother / Catullus -- To postumus / Horace -- Orpheus and Eurydice / Ovid -- The Tuscan villa / Pliny the Younger -- from The villas of Pliny the Younger / Pliny the Younger -- from The meditations / Marcus Aurelius -- II. Christianity and the Middle Ages -- The creation / Bible -- The Messiah / Bible -- Psalms / Bible -- The annunciation / Bible -- The birth of Christ / Bible -- The last supper / Bible -- from Confessions / Saint Augustine -- from Beowulf / Anonymous -- from The song of Roland / Anonymous -- Te Deum / Anonymous -- from Little flowers / Saint Francis of Assisi -- Dies Irae / Thomas of Celano -- five cantos from The inferno / Dante Alighieri -- from the Divine comedy / Dante Alighieri -- from Sir Gawain and the green knight / Anonymous -- The Prioress/s tale from The Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer -- St. Mark's from The stones of Venice / John Ruskin -- The Virgin of Chartres / Henry Adams -- from Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres / Henry Adams -- III. Renaissance -- from An hymn in honour of beauty / Edmund Spenser -- The powers and pleasures of folly / Desiderius Erasmus -- from The praise of folly / Desiderius Erasmus -- The plague of 1348 / Giovanni Boccaccio -- The falcon of Federigo / Giovanni Boccaccio -- Chichibio and the crane / Giovanni Boccaccio -- The patient Griselda / Giovanni Boccaccio -- from the Decameron / Giovanni Boccaccio -- If it be destined / Petrarch -- When I reflect / Petrarch -- In gratitude to love / Petrarch -- Her golden hair / Petrarch -- On hearing of Laura's death / Petrarch -- He sees her everywhere / Petrarch -- Final sonnet / Petrarch -- In what way faith should be kept by princes / Niccolo Machiavelli -- Fortune is a woman / Niccolo Machiavelli -- from The prince / Niccolo Machiavelli -- The casting of the Perseus / Benvenuto Cellini -- Description of the contrarious passions in a lover / Sir Thomas Wyatt -- Complaint of a lover rebuked / Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey -- To Marie / Pierre de Ronsard -- Sonnet 15 (Ye tradeful merchants) / Edmund Spenser -- With how sad steps / Sir Philip Sidney -- Leave me, o love / Sir Philip Sidney -- Since there's no help / Michael Drayton -- Sonnet 8 (music to hear) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 18 (shall I compare thee) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 30 (when to the sessions) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 55 (not marble nor the gilded monument) / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet 73 (that time of year) / William Shakespeare -- Who is Sylvia? / William Shakespeare -- The silver swan / Orlando Gibbons -- La Gioconda / Walter Pater -- from The Renaissance / Walter Pater -- Monna Lisa Gioconda / Dmitri Merezhkovsky -- from The romance of Leonarda da Vinci / Dmitri Merezhkovsky -- The sculpturing of the David / Irving Stone -- from The agony and the ecstacy / Irving Stone -- IV. Mannerism to Neoclassicism -- from The flaming heart or the life of the glorious Saint Teresa / Saint Teresa of Avila -- from Don Quixote / Miguel de Cervantes -- The obscure night of the soul / Saint John of the Cross -- Meditation 17 / John Donne -- Song / John Donne -- Song / John Donne -- from Holy sonnets / John Donne -- A hymn to God the father / John Donne -- The altar / George Herbert -- Easter wings / George Herbert -- The dream called life / Calderón -- from Life is a dream / Calderón -- Lycidas / John Milton -- from Paradise lost / John Milton -- To his coy mistress / Andrew Marvell -- from The bourgeois gentleman / Moliére -- A song for St. Cecilia's Day / John Dryden -- Housewifery / Edward Taylor -- A voyage to Brobdingnag / Jonathan Swift -- from Gulliver's travels / Jonathan Swift -- from An essay on man / Alexander Pope -- from Candide / Voltaire -- To daffodils / Robert Herrick -- Corinna's going a-maying / Robert Herrick -- The syndics from Rembrandt / Gladys Schmitt -- V. Romanticism -- Continental -- Du bist wie eine blume / Heinrich Heine -- The two grenadiers / Heinrich Heine -- The djinns / Victor Hugo -- Art / Théophile Gautier -- Sois sage o ma douleur / Charles Baudelaire -- Correspondences / Charles Baudelaire -- from The confessions / Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- from Faust I / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- The Erl-King / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- from Eugene Onegin / Alexander Pushkin -- The singers / Ivan Turgenev -- English -- Introduction / William Blake -- The divine image / William Blake -- from Songs of innocence / William Blake -- A poison tree / William Blake -- London / William Blake -- from Songs of experience / William Blake -- Ye flowery banks / Robert Burns -- Afton Water / Robert Burns -- A red, red rose / Robert Burns -- Composed upon Westminster Bridge / William Wordsworth -- My heart leaps up when I behold / William Wordsworth -- I wandered lonely as a cloud / William Wordsworth -- It is a beauteous evening, calm and free / William Wordsworth -- Kubla Khan: or, A vision in a dream / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- The eolian harp / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Canto the fourth / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- from Don Juan / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- Stanzas for music / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- She walks in beauty / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- from Hebrew melodies / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- Ode to the west wind / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Mutability / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- La belle dame sans mercy / John Keats -- Ode to a nightingale / John Keats -- Ode on a Grecian urn / John Keats -- The last sonnet / John Keats -- Mariana / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Ulysses / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Sweet and low / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- The splendor falls on castle walls / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Tears, idle tears / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Now sleeps the crimson petal / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- songs from The princess / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- My last duchess / Robert Browning -- The bishop orders his tomb at Saint Praxed's Church / Robert Browning -- Fra Lippo Lippi / Robert Browning -- Meeting at night / Robert Browning -- The forsaken merman / Matthew Arnold -- Dover Beach / Matthew Arnold -- Silent noon / Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- A birthday / Christina Rossetti -- The garden of Proserpine / Algernon Charles Swinburne -- When the hounds of spring / Algernon Charles Swinburne -- from Atalanta in Claydon / Algernon Charles Swinburne -- The oxen / Thomas Hardy -- In time of "The breaking of nations" / Thomas Hardy -- The darkling thrush / Thomas Hardy -- God's grandeur / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- The windhover / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Pied beauty / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Spring and fall / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- To an Athlete dying young / A. E. Housman -- Loveliest of trees, the cherry now / A. E. Housman -- American -- The wild honeysuckle / Philip Freneau -- To a waterfowl / William Cullen Bryant -- The rhodora / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Days / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Hymn to the night / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- from Divina Commedia / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- translation of Michelangelo's Dante / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- To Helen / Edgar Allan Poe -- Ulalume / Edgar Allan Poe -- Israfel / Edgar Allan Poe -- When I heard the learn'd astronomer / Walt Whitman -- There was a child went forth / Walt Whitman -- To hear an oriole sing / Emily Dickinson -- There's a certain slant of light / Emily Dickinson -- There is no frigate like a book / Emily Dickinson -- Evening song / Sidney Lanier -- A ballad of trees and the master / Sidney Lanier -- The masque of the red death / Edgar Allan Poe -- The wedding knell / Nathaniel Hawthorne -- VI. Realism and impressionism -- The master builder / Henrik Ibsen -- Three deaths: a tale / Leo Tolstoy -- from The innocents abroad / Mark Twain -- Afternoon of a faun / Stéphane Mallarmé -- Song of autumn / Paul Verlaine -- Thou hast wounded me, Lord -- Paul Verlaine -- Preface to The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde -- Shaw on music / George Bernard Shaw -- from Androcles and the lion / George Bernard Shaw -- In the cart / Anton Pavlovich Chekhov -- from Pelléas and Mélisande / Maurice Maeterlinck --
VII. Twentieth century -- The lake isle of Innisfree / William Butler Yeats -- The wild swans of Coole / William Butler Yeats -- When you are old / William Butler Yeats -- Luke Havergal / Edwin Arlington Robinson -- The graveyard by the sea / Paul Valéry -- Acquainted with the night / Robert Frost -- Tree at my window / Robert Frost -- The onset / Robert Frost -- The tuft of flowers / Robert Frost -- Autumn day / Rainer Maria Rilke -- Autumn / Rainer Maria Rilke -- The panther / Rainer Maria Rilke -- Little Lizzy / Thomas Mann -- Paul's case / Willa Cather -- Within and without / Hermann Hesse -- On growing old / John Masefield -- Fog / Carl Sandburg -- Nocturne in a deserted brickyard / Carl Sandburg -- Jazz fantasia / Carl Sandburg -- Wind song / Carl Sandburg -- Peter Quince at the clavier / Wallace Stevens -- The road from Colonus / E. M. Forster -- from Platero and I / Juan Ramón Jiménez -- Clay / James Joyce -- from Dubliners / James Joyce -- from The odyssey: a modern sequel / Nikos Kazantzakis -- Piano / D. H Lawrence -- Dawn / William Carlos Williams -- Velvet shoes / Elinor Wylie -- Castilian / Elinor Wylie -- The river-merchant's wife: a letter / Ezra Pound -- A virginal / Ezra Pound -- Hurt hawks / Robinson Jeffers -- Love the wild swan / Robinson Jeffers -- Poetry / Marianne Moore -- Jouney of the magi / T. S. Eliot -- Sweeney among the nightingales / T. S. Eliot -- Morning song of senlin / T. S. Eliot -- At a concert of music / Conrad Aiken -- Euclid alone has looked on beauty bare / Edna St. Vincent Millay -- On hearing a symphony of Beethoven / Edna St. Vincent Millay -- You, Andrew Marvell / Archibald MacLeish -- A hunger artist / Franz Kafka -- Ah, the distant land / Gottfried Benn -- This is the garden / E. E. Cummings -- Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejias / Federico García Lorca -- A clean, well-lighted place / Ernest Hemingway -- Homesick blues / Langston Hughes -- Saturday night / Langston Hughes -- Musée des Beaux Arts / W. H. Auden -- Elegy for Jane / Theodore Roethke -- I knew a woman / Theodore Roethke -- I think continually of those / Stephen Spender -- Do not go gentle into that good night / Dylan Thomas -- In my craft or sullen art / Dylan Thomas -- Fern hill / Dylan Thomas -- from The plague / Albert Camus -- Hunters in the snow: Brueghel / Joseph Langland -- Falling asleep over the Aeneid / Robert Lowell -- Constantly risking absurdity / Lawrence Ferlinghetti -- from A Coney Island of the mind / Lawrence Ferlinghetti -- Babii yar / Yuvgeny Yevtushenko -- Parabolic ballad / Andrey Voznesensky -- Index
[Provo, Utah] : Brigham Young University Press
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
EPUB, 2.35 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 1972
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